A Brief Summary of us
Construct Marketing LLC
A creative construction industry company that provides the resources of a marketing department for industry contractors, suppliers, manufacturers and engineering firms.
Conceive. Communicate. Develop. Deliver.

Six things we care about …
- Share a vision for the marketing and brand with the client.
- Genuine, authentic communication makes for the best results.
- Respect the client spend. Respect the client's time.
- Every client is different - know the client.
- Deliver actionable communications to the client for informed decision-making.
- Be the marketing extension of the client - be an asset to the client.
Value Proposition
Why Construct Marketing?
Our goal is to be an extension of a principal's desk to deploy a vibrant and potent marketing engine.
Consistent delivery of intelligent & actionable marketing solutions, based on communication, budget, and planning.
Construct Marketing-Client relationships are built on trust -
allowing us the opportunity to work as an extension of the company.
We manage a client's marketing program with ownership and accountability.
When we say, "Be an asset to the client", this is what we mean.
Our Mission
To know our client. To know our client's client.
To have and continually refine an understanding of the client's market environment.
To bring to bear our capabilities and a client's own knowledge and personnel to conceive and deploy effective marketing elements, and build a strong and consistent marketing program.
Above all, it is our mission to be an asset to our client.

George R. Compton III
Principal, Construct Marketing, LLC
George R. Compton has worked with contractors, owners, manufacturers, and suppliers across construction and engineering disciplines. Combining a love of heavy construction and the art of marketing, he has provided companies with potent marketing solutions attuned specifically to the construction landscape. As the Executive Director of the Deep Foundations Institute, Compton worked with large and small companies alike, industry boards, state and federal agencies, individuals and stakeholders to work towards solution after solution through people, communications, research and relentless discovery.
Do you need more information or you have questions?
We are always happy to talk about marketing and or construction!
+1 (973) 729-7290