As a marketing department for hire, Construct deploys in-house design and creative to meet our client’s needs.
As needed, Construct has a pool of talent and partners to specialize in delivering the elements requiring specialization.
It’s this mix that is Construct’s greatest asset to a client’s economics, flexibility, and outcome.
Where construction meets creativity.
Construct’s advantage is our understanding of the construction industry environment, its sectors, and that details matter. In working with principals directly, we communicate and work toward quality as well as manage responsible program economics. We seek to output the highest quality deliverable throughout our areas of work. This combination of dynamics spelled out means we develop and deliver our own work from within our walls. As necessary, to meet the client’s and construct’s own standards, we will turn to trusted working partners to deliver work at the highest possible standard.
To accomplish this, we’ve built internal capabilities and external relationships to deliver across the spectrum of marketing and promotional works.
Outta House
…we don’t mark them up. Why not? Be a value to the client.
Since its inception, Construct has worked with creative, technical and production sub-contractors and partners to deliver clients the best outcome. The advantage to the client is access to a vetted, high-quality pool of talent that we work with regularly to meet our expectations of quality and performance. For every sub-contractor we work with there are almost 15 years of experience and searching to find them. As a result, our efficiencies of a project’s workflow, as we know our sub-contractors and partners, is a great advantage to our clients too. What surprises clients most is, as we work with these partners and subcontractors on a regular basis, we have preferred rates, and we don’t mark them up. Why not? Be a value to the client. We’ll make our money managing the project or projects.
The Construct Model
As we work with and learn the needs of our clients, their needs and expectations, their thresholds, their economics – deploying versatile solutions to meet these criteria is essential.
The hybrid of in-house and out-of-house work provides our clients with the best of both worlds. Responsive, agile talent as necessary, as well as deep, vetted resources; both providing effective solutions to our clients.
As we work with and learn the needs of our clients, their needs and expectations, their thresholds, their economics – deployment of versatile, effective solutions to meet these criteria is essential.
Delivering the best outcome to the client requires this dual model.