
Construction Industry Advertising: Digital or Print?

Where to spend the advertising dollar?
Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.

This article is a different one than one we would have written in 2006 when Construct Marketing started. Still, advertising decisions begin with a budget. It is always an indirect cost or a cost unattached to production quantities or volume. Budgeting still requires marketing intelligence, construction industry knowledge, and experience. The difference today is not, “Digital or Print?” but “Where to set the budget for digital ads and where to set the budget for print ads?”

With the appeal of digital ads’ measurability, digital ads are more central to the advertising budget decision than ever.

The metrics available for digital media are valuable for knowing what’s working. John Wanamaker (1838-1922), the founder of Wanamaker’s Department Store and marketing icon, reputedly said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”  Today you can know precisely the activity on digital ads on ‘pipe piles‘ say, vs. ‘H-piles.’  Wannamaker would be jealous.  But, navigating the waters of digital marketing takes some expertise. Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn sponsored content, as well as your favorite construction industry association website advertising all offer opportunities for targeted reach and measurable results.  Knowledge and agility are the difference-makers in the digital advertising realm.

The difference today is not, “Digital or print?” but, “Where to set the budget for digital advertising, and where to set the budget for print advertising?”

Should you disregard the prominence of print media? Not in the construction industry. Print titles that are associated closely with your product, service, or industry focus have advertising value. You can help your decisions with some basic research. Where do you consistently find the subject matter most closely related to your products and services? What associations focus on your specific market area? What magazines sit on the coffee table in your clients’ reception area? Ask your clients what they are reading – electronic and print media. Every conference and tradeshow is an opportunity to do some market research in your targeted industry sector. Such as, get a handle on who’s reading what? Ask around.  Record what you hear.  Do that at enough events, and you’ll have some excellent market research, for digital and print industry media.


(Read Here: Maximize your Time at the Construction Tradeshow)

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