
Tradeshow Rush: New Display: Did we make it?

There are many vendors with whom we have long-standing relationships. Skyline Displays is one of them. These relationships matter when things get tight.

So when a client decided to make changes to their display, right before a tradeshow, we could make it happen. With our experience with the production process, our relationships with the vendor personnel and luckily our own proximity to the vendor and the event, this delivery was possible. The timeframe would be tight but we’d get it done! Got to hand it to Skyline Displays for their “Get it Done”  way of doing business.

Design had to get creative and fast so we pushed hard. We designed, revised & proofed in under 3 days. Production, not unexpectedly, would charge rush fees for this fast turn-around.
Approved by the client… Full steam ahead…  its gonna be tight…

The delivery promise from production, “Displays will be ready for pick-up 10:00 AM day of exhibitor set-up.”


Day of exhibitor setup…
9:30AMConstruct Marketing waiting at Skyline for the new displays.
10:00AMCheck, re-pack and throw new display in the back of the truck next to the old display.
(Cutting it this close and you didn’t think we’d have a backup plan? Ha!)
Head towards NYC.
11:30AMTruck sitting in traffic, short of the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel.
Nice view of Manhattan & the Hudson.
Listening to Jimi Hendrix.
12:27PMNew displays and materials are on a cart being wheeled to the exhibit hall by a bellman.
12:30PMClient attendees check in to the conference hotel.
Construct Marketing reserved rooms 6 months ago.
The hotel has been sold out for the last 3 weeks.
1:00PMRegistration opens.
Exhibit set-up opens.
1:30PMAlready pre-registered by Construct Marketing, client attendees collect badges head for the exhibit hall.
1:45PMThe new displays and table banner are set up and ready for the show.
Boxes of company literature and T-shirts, sent from the client home office, as coordinated by Construct Marketing with client’s “keeper of the exhibit stuff” (official title), are delivered to the booth by exhibit services contractor.
2:00PMConstruct Marketing swings by the Front Desk for outside deliveries.
Orders for USB’s, promotional items, etc., are waiting.
Funny ribbons for badges are booth traffic multipliers and engagement magic.
Deliver to the client at the booth.
5:00PMExhibit Hall Reception.
The client spread out the last of their literature on their exhibit table and get ready to do what they’re good at, engage.

Construct Marketing’s tradeshow and exhibition experience is a value to our clients time and time again.
This delivery of new displays was tighter than we like by a long shot but we got ‘er done, and done well.



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